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The Role of Web Portals in Process Automation

Posted on by Jenny Wan
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The Role of Web Portals in Process Automation

Beyond simply giving users a way to look up data, web portals also allow them to conduct important tasks online. By facilitating these online tasks, portals increase productivity and help companies like yours drive more process automation.

Portals are designed to streamline business workflows, improve internal productivity, and reduce time spent on manual tasks. Outlined below are the top 5 business processes that can be automated using your web portal.

Inbound Communications

Communication by way of phone calls, personal conversations, and sticky notes is time consuming and inefficient to say the least. Through the portal, users can submit communications via email or instant messaging 24/7, enabling a faster response from your team. Plus, these inbound communications can be directed to specific departments within your organization, providing an organized way of receiving, managing, and responding to them.

Submission of Forms

Sifting through stacks of forms with messy handwriting is a time-consuming task that can be eliminated with your web portal. Users simply submit their form online and then your company can review and proceed with the next steps. Whether it’s forms for enrollment, pre-authorizations, claim reimbursement, or simple PDFs, the portal facilitates online form submission so that your company can automate the way it collects them.

Sending of Requests

Manual submission of requests requires both the time of the requestor and of the person handling the request. The web portal however empowers users to make requests online. It could be asking for an ID card, running a report, or changing a PCP. Whatever the case, the portal lets your users submit their own requests and then routes the requests to your team. This allows your staff to only get involved when there is action needed from them.

Data Transmission

The web portal serves as a two-way street, because it doesn’t just display your information online. It can also collect information online and transmit it back to your systems and vendors. Through these secure, automated processes the web portal reduces manual keying in of information and facilitates prompt response and processing of business tasks.

Outbound Communications

Web portals are an effective platform for communicating to users in a targeted way. With standard content management tools, your team can efficiently share important announcements. In addition, users receive automatic notices through email and text prompting them to log in when there’s something to review online. All of this is done in a targeted way, enabling a faster, more automated way of getting relevant messages to your users.

It’s time to take your portal beyond simple data lookup. Web portals are valuable tools for eliminating manual processes so that your company can improve the speed and efficiency of how you do business. As you consider your portal and the number of manual processes your company has, think about how your portal can be used to take business process automation to the next level.

To learn more about how the HPS portal can automate your business processes, schedule a demo.


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