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Communication / Customer Service

magnified appearance of live chat dialog

Instant Messaging + Screen Sharing

Answer questions quickly by seeing what your callers see.
Customize the UI to match your brand.
HIPPA Compliant

mailbox screen on iPad

Secure Messaging

Members can communicate with HR & Payers.
Attach and send PHI.
Notifications and alerts available.

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Provider Faxback

Numerous HPS clients use our Faxback Solution to enable providers to call a toll free number and request a fax with claim status or eligibility. Use of the HPS Faxback Solution proves to be a cost-effective option for communicating with providers. 

Providers Want It. 

Let’s face it. Many providers are still resistant to use portals and still want to receive that fax. Using a faxback solution, the providers who want faxes can easily request and receive information   in an automated way. Your portal will also report which providers are the heaviest faxback users so that you can encourage them to use the portal next time.

Reduces Call Volume. 

Though it’s not the most high-tech way to get information, use of faxback still keeps providers off the phone. In fact, many clients offer the faxback option to provider callers before transferring them to Customer Service. And when you compare the cost for sending a fax to the cost per minute for Customer Service staffing, faxback still proves to be the more cost effective option.

Pay for What You Use

Clients are only billed for faxback based upon how much it is used (per minute and per page faxed). There are no monthly minimums, so if your faxback has low utilization, your costs will be low too.

Automated Speed

The toll free faxback number your providers use is tied to a national call center network. As a result, providers using the faxback service will not get busy signals during high traffic hours.

No hardware required. 

The HPS faxback solution is built entirely upon the existing servers and databases we use for your web portal. As a result, your company won’t have to spend extra money on servers, special phone lines, or staff time for setting it all up.

Email & Text Notifications