Business Tools
Business Tools
Tools for Effective Health Plan Management
Payers want to operate more effectively, and access to data is only the first step. HPS gives Payers the data integration and the tools they need to engage users and proactively manage healthcare plans. This helps Payers be effective and productive in their business operations.
When your data and business processes are organized into your portal, you’ll be equipped to operate efficiently and drive growth.
Use these business tools to centralize your business operations and communications in your web portal.
- Claim Funding
- Invoice Management
Communication/Customer Service
- Live Chat
- Email & Text Notifications
- Secure Mailbox
- Provider Faxback
Health Plan Management
- Eligibility & Plan Details
- ID Cards
- Proof of Insurance
- Document Management
- Provider Search
- Online Enrollment
Claim Management
- Detailed Claims & Accumulators
- Online EOBs & EOPs
- Pre-Authorization Submission
- Claim Submission
- Appeals & Grievances
Business Analysis
- COBRA Integration
- FSA/HSA/HRA Integration
- Reporting
- Prescription Integration
- Vendor Integration
Integrate Your Data Into One Portal
Your web portal consolidates data from the systems and vendors you use, and makes all your data accessible within one web portal platform.
You’ll have flexibility and ease in integrating the systems of your choice into your portal, including:
Print & Mail Fulfillment Centers
Prescription Systems
Case Management Programs
Online Payment Portals
Your web portal will be the central gateway from which to securely share and manage the information from your different systems.

You Control Your Portal
Your portal from HPS will include a Control Panel, which lets you make over 30 portal customizations without software development or dependence on your internal IT staff.
Your Control Panel will let you operate with flexibility and speed as you:
Assist users with login accounts
Manage security & restrictions
Post & share important announcements
Adjust your portal display
Create a targeted online experience
By using your web portal Control Panel, you’ll increase the speed and responsiveness with which you engage your users online.

User Engagement
Your privately-branded portal will be the central gateway for key parties to communicate with you and to access information relevant to them.
- Members & Dependents
- Providers
- Employers & Group Administrators
- Case Managers
- Stop Loss Underwriters
- Your Internal Staff
- Agents & Brokers
Your company controls which parties have access and what they’re able to view when they’re logged in. This enables you to manage security while also engaging users in a personalized, targeted way.
Simple data access is not enough to grow your business.
Schedule a demo to implement the online business tools your company needs to operate efficiently and drive growth.