Secure Mailbox

Secure Mailbox

Communicate Efficiently in Your Portal

Customer service is often categorized by excessive phone calls and long hold times. The Secure Mailbox helps Payers address common questions and issues through secure email. This helps Payers answer questions more quickly, reduce call volumes, and boost their customer service reputation.

Schedule a demo to reduce call volumes and drive email-based communications in your portal.

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Convenient, Web-Based Communication

The Secure Mailbox is a first line of defense for addressing questions and issues. Whether it’s a member, provider, or another party, users can submit questions to you through secure email rather than tying up your Customer Service phone lines. Here’s how:

1. User submits questions, issues, and documents through the Secure Mailbox

2. Your team is notified when there’s a new message for review in your portal

3. Your team reviews the message and replies

4. The user is notified and can read your response in your portal

5. Your Customer Service call center will be quieter and much more focused on mailbox communications

Messages can be categorized and routed to the people on your team best suited to address them. This helps you answer questions quickly, quicken resolution turnaround, and reduce high call volumes and complaints about slow service.

mailbox screen on iPad

A More Efficient Approach to Communication

The Secure Mailbox equips each user with the tools they need to communicate quickly and efficiently.

  • Mobile Optimization for Members, Providers, and Employers

  • Document Attachment

  • Message Routing to Different Customer Service Departments

  • Email Flags for Categorizing and Tracking Message Responses

Schedule a demo to begin communicating more efficiently in your portal.

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Faster Responsiveness, Better Customer Service

Phone-based communications consume time, staffing, and cause frustration for all parties. Use the Secure Mailbox to achieve:

  • Shorter Hold Times
  • Convenience of Online Communications
  • Faster Resolution of Issues

Drive efficient communications through your web portal Secure Mailbox and experience greater confidence in your Customer Service response times and reputation.

businessman with a phone headset on, assisting his customer over the phone

How Much are Unnecessary Phone Calls Costing Me?

While phone calls are sometimes necessary, callers’ overreliance on the phone to ask basic questions can leave Healthcare Payers tied up with simple calls and not focused on more important issues.

Create a free account to download a calculator to find out how much are unnecessary calls costing you each year?

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Don’t let phone-based communications drag on your business.

Leverage the Secure Mailbox to communicate more efficiently and to have quieter call centers.

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