Video Description
Introduction to Health Portal Solutions
[Logo enters screen]
Managing healthcare plans involves many moving parts…
Care Management
ID Cards
…that live in different systems.
[Parts spin into dis-order.]
Which aren’t integrated
This makes the pieces of healthcare difficult to access…
and difficult for you to manage.
[Parts unable to move.]
[Parts organize into a circle.]
We manage your Data, Vendors, Business Processes
[Parts spiral behind center words:]
…Behind one login.
This portal is privately branded for your company…
and accessible through your website.
[circle graphics spin and enter computer screen.]
With your integrated portal…
[Circles multiply and chaotically move, then organize in one stack.]
You can manage the different pieces of healthcare in one place.
You can also reach all of your key stakeholders.
and give them one place to go to for their health plan information they need.
This ultimately
reduces your call volumes…
Automates your business processes
and empowers you to scale your business.
Take the first step…
…in managing the moving parts of your health plans.
Schedule a Demo
to organize your
Data, Vendors, Business Processes
Behind one portal
Schedule a demo