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Managing Personal Healthcare through the HPS Portal

Posted on by Jenny Wan
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Managing Personal Healthcare through the HPS Portal

The HPS web portal has historically been known for its ability to streamline benefit communications, but did you know it also plays an important role in helping users manage their personal healthcare? More and more patients have a desire for “on-demand” healthcare as well as the ability to have direct contact with their doctor. To address these needs, HPS provides web portal tools that help patients take charge of their health and build stronger care coordination with their doctors. Here are just a few.


Personal Health Record

HPS is proud to announce its newest feature—the Personal Health Record (PHR). The PHR is a tool that helps individuals collect and organize their healthcare records in one place that is secure and confidential. The PHR is like a “dropbox” for healthcare in that users can upload health records from their doctors, prescription histories, lab results, and other documents into their account in the HIPAA-compliant portal. They also have quick access to the Blue Button website so they can retrieve these important documents.

However, patients also have the ability to share their health documents with their provider, whether it’s their PCP, a specialist, or a telemedicine doctor. Patients can select which documents to share and can send them to their doctor either via fax or by inviting the doctor to view the documents on the web portal. When the doctor creates their web portal account, he or she can then see the documents the patient has shared. By enabling patients to share their healthcare documents with their doctor, the PHR helps individuals organize their healthcare records and collaborate more closely with their physician.


We all know that time is money and that employees may not always have the ability to miss work when they fall ill. If this is your first time hearing about telemedicine, this service provides access to licensed doctors who can diagnose and make treatment recommendations to patients via telephone or video. As a result, employees can visit with a doctor without having to leave work, which can cut down on productivity, absenteeism, and other costs for the employer.

HPS integrates with telemedicine providers so users can schedule appointments via telephone or online all within the portal. This enables the employee to get on-demand access to a physician from the comfort of their home and within the security of your web portal.

My Health Center

The portal also includes many online Wellness Tools that provide targeted healthcare information related to the individual’s diagnoses. With these tools, individuals can understand their symptoms, research treatment options, prepare for their doctor’s visit, or just learn how to deal with minor first aid issues. Many providers also have access to this information in the portal so they can share tips for managing one’s diagnosis or improving one’s health. As a result, these online health and wellness tools help patients manage their health conditions, make informed decisions, and take proactive measures to live healthier lifestyles.


These online personal healthcare tools are easy to implement and can provide much needed support to individuals in managing their healthcare. Are you ready to help your employees take charge of their health? Schedule a demo to get started.

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